Suistamon Sähkö gains momentum gig by gig and cheerfully moves through ethno techno and smoke shack sounds to the world of hip hop like the genre hybrid they are. The group favours a boisterous rave atmosphere, synthesizer buzz, rap declarations and a Soviet-made accordion and makes the audience jiggle and the cottage floor shake. The Suistamon Sähkö rhythm universe is a rambunctious mix of primitive primordial force and experimental dance music.
The group’s third album, the well-received ”Varokaa! Hengenvaara” (2021), is both the most pop and the wildest material that the group has thus far published. The album has been described as an energising explosion of bold hip hop and ethno techno.
In addition to Finnish stages, the Suistamon Sähkö spark has also flown to international arenas in e.g. Germany, France and Russia. During their short existence, the group has published three albums and a dozen music videos which have attracted attention. Suistamon Sähkö was selected as the opening act of the notable World Music Expo Womex Tampere 2019 and as the showcase act of the Folk Alliance International New Orleans, USA, in early 2020. In August 2020 the group performed at the Tallinn Music Week showcase event. Their music video “Kutsu” was awarded the main prize at the Oulu Music Video Festival in the autumn of 2021. The group also performed for the first time at the Lost in Music event in 2021.
Sustamon Sähkö jauhaa haitarirytmeistä, konemusiikista, kansanperinteestä ja rapista tarttuvaa ja arvaamatonta kansanelektroa. Nykykarjalaisen haitaritrancen sydämenä sykkii Anne-Mari Kivimäen venäläinen Notka-haitari, jota ympäröi Reetta-Kaisa Ilesin ja Tuomas Juntusen laulu ja Eero Grundströmin konemusiikki . Karjalan matkoilta taltioidut äänet nivoutuvat tanssijalkaa kutkuttavan omaperäiseksi kokonaisuudeksi. Yhtye julkaisi kolmannen albuminsa Varokaa! Hengenvaara 5.3.2021