We called her Bertha is a hypnotic stage work performed by two dancers and a double bassist. The work is based on the moving unison of female figures dressed in huge skirts, where bodily metamorphosis transports the viewer in time from youth to old age, from memories to dreams. In the picturesque work, in the hinterland of the mind, hopes become reality, landscapes are distorted, and the passage of time is unpredictable.
The work, which is impressive in its visuals, is designed for tours and relatively simple to implement in a wide range of stage spaces.
We called her Bertha - the movie is a sister work to the stage work of the same name, which was born in Korona in the spring of 2021. The film was made in collaboration with visual artist-director Mortti Saarnia.
We Called Her Bertha on kahden tanssijan ja kontrabasistin toteuttama hypnoottinen näyttämöteos. Maalauksellisessa teoksessa mielen takamailla toiveet muuttuvat todellisuudeksi, maisemat vääristyvät ja ajan kulku on arvaamatonta. Performers: Johanna Elovaara, Reetta-Kaisa Iles, Ville Rauhala
Choreography: Johanna Elovaara, Reetta-Kaisa Iles
Music: Ville Rauhala
Costume design: Mirkka Nyrhinen
Light desing: Janne Teivainen
Film direction and photographs: Mortti Saarnia
Production: Ediths&Elena productions and Tsuumi DanceTheatre
We Called her bertha sai ensi-iltansa syksyllä 2021