Études on Excellence
is an intricate dialogue between a musician and a dancer, musical instrument and human voice. It contemplates the clash between expectations and reality, distracting our reliance on reason and enticing the beauty of incompleteness. It explores that moment in which something we have valued appears as worthless, sophistication gives away to brutality, learning appears as crudity, and our carefully guarded façade breaks down and reveals something more human.
When everything seems outwardly ready, a journey inward begins. Characters, who seemed to be perfect and flawless, begin to disintegrate, as the performers shift from playing a role into being in the now. At the heart of the performance is improvisation, constant interaction of sound and movement. This combination of precise structure and improvisational freedom requires attentiveness from the performers, as well as courage rising from mutual trust. Études on Excellence evades clear definitions and categorizations, using various different elements in surprising ways and mixing them in refreshingly bold manner. Each space and event offer a new, open platform for the performance to come to life. Études on Excellence can be performed on conventional stages but also as a technically stripped-down version.
”Reetta-Kaisa Iles and her group make exciting forays into the new kind of non-hierarchy of multidisciplinary art.” Eeva Kauppinen, Kaleva
Director: Reetta-Kaisa Iles
Performers: Katri Soini (movement, voice), Mikko Perkola / Ville Rauhala (music, voice)
Lighting design: Janne Teivainen
Costume design: Karoliina Koiso-Kanttila
Photography and graphic design: Uupi Tirronen
Producer: Anne Peippo
The visuality of the performance relies mainly on costume design, and technique-wise the production is easily transportable. The working group of Études on Excellence is interested not only in conventional stages but also in taking the production to different kinds of spaces, outdoors and indoors. The nature of the performance and the small-scale sound and lighting technique make it accessible and visible to a broad audience. Études on Excellence premiered in July 2021 at Full Moon Dance Festival paired with another dance performance, so it has been tested and found to work well when combined with another work.
Duration: approx. 45 min
Touring staff: 4 persons; Katri Soini, Mikko Perkola (Ville Rauhala), Janne Teivainen, Reetta-Kaisa Iles
Facility requirements: Études on Excellence can be performed in different kinds of spaces, but requires a minimum of 5x5 meters stage area.
Technical requirements: in smaller spaces, the group can use their own sound and lighting equipment. Lighting plot is customized for each space individually. In bigger spaces, the presenter should provide PA-system and a technician.
Reetta-Kaisa Iles
Video recording of the performance is available on request.
Etydejä Erinomaisuudesta
On muusikon ja tanssijan, instrumentin ja ihmisäänen, hienoviritteinen dialogi. Esityksessä käsitellään odotusten ja todellisuuden välistä ristiriitaa, häiritään tietämiseen perustuvaa ja houkutellaan esiin keskeneräisyyden kauneutta. Hetkessä arvokkaana pidetty näyttäytyy arvottomana, hienostunut kääntyy brutaaliksi, sivistys paljastuu moukkamaisuudeksi, pieteetillä varjelemamme kuori pettää ja alta paljastuu jotain inhimillisempää.
Koreografia: Reetta-Kaisa Iles
Tanssi: Katri Soini
Musiikki: Mikko Perkola/Ville Rauhala
Valosuunnittelu: Janne Teivainen
Pukusuunnittelu: Karoliina Koiso-Kanttila
Kuvat ja graafinen suunnittelu: Uupi Tirronen
Tuottaja: Anne Peippo
Ensi-ilta Pyhäjärven Täydenkuun Tanssit - festivaali 20.7.2021
Teosta ovat tukeneet Jenny ja Antti Wihurin rahasto, TAIKE sekä Suomen Kulttuurirahasto